FKMT Hitlist

The following is a color-coded list of the vast majority if not all of Fukumoto Nobuyuki's works and their scanlation statuses, as well as their volume count in Japanese. It is unlikely this list will ever be fully completed, but it is a marvel as to just how many works Fukumoto has produced over his career.

NOTE: This page is updated only about once a year, so it may be outdated when you view it. However, it is certainly accurate to within a year of the time you are viewing it, which is not much in Fukumoto time.

NOTE: Most of the works marked "RAWs Available" on the 2nd page of the "Early Works" section are in the Fukumoto Nobuyuki Selected Oneshots Compilation, meaning they are purchasable but not currently owned by anyone in our community. If you are interested in scanlating the ones I personally own, feel free to contact me (Sonickrazy) on discord. The ones I own are:
  • Mahjong Graffiti
  • Gamera 35
  • Akahana
  • Oyaji no Oyaji
  • Kasumi to Genkotsu
  • Sensei Ogenki Desu ka?
  • Masami
  • Chiba-Ken no Sora
I would recommend contacting me about those before buying any of the volumes, since I've had them ready to do for a while. If someone were to make it their mission to finish the missing series, I would be very impressed.
Last Updated February 17th, 2025


  1. You guys should totally translate that fukumoto vn when/if you ever get the time.
    It looks fun and it has a lot of the fukumoto characters!
    Here's the link if you're interested:

    1. I agree it'd be really awesome to see this translated, especially Kazuya's route~

  2. There's scans for Harukaze ni Youkoso? I swear I've searched everywhere and I can't find any. Mind pointing me in the right direction?

    1. I just have a physical copy of it, I don't think there's raws anywhere

  3. Happy to learn you're translating Kaiji and Shin Kurosawa. I'll be enjoying it.
    Hope these three will make it.

  4. It says Ten is completed, but it isn't on the download page. Where can I download it?

  5. Shouldn't Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji be red too?

    1. yes it should. I forgot about that.

    2. You also forgot "Do you know the real dangers of those so-called Legal Drugs that are being sold" :^)

    3. I'm trying to pretend that one doesn't exist

  6. Legend of a Strongest Man Nakane should be added to hitlist(

  7. I hope Yamima no Mamiya will be added to the hitlist soon <3

  8. Hi, thanks for your work. Do you have any news of a part 3 for ZERO?

  9. Is Ginyanma: Janki-tachi no Densetsu on this list? It was translated by a group Endless Moment 1 month ago ( )
