Friday, October 18, 2019

No Kaiji this week either

I'm sorry everyone, I'm still reeling from what happened last week and I haven't been able to do any work on the next chapter, and nobody else on our team was able to have it ready for you either. We'll see you next week and hopefully begin work on catching up.


  1. Absolutely no need to apologise whatsoever: as I said last week, your personal well-being is worth infinitely more than a chapter of a manga series. Take as much time off as you need, and don't feel any obligation to do any more work until you've finished mourning: the rest of your fan-base care about your well-being just as much as I do!

  2. I agree with Anonymous. We probably all do. We'll still come here looking for our Kaiji fix like the junkies we are even if you don't post any updates for 2 months straight, so just worry about yourself in this difficult time.

  3. Please take care of yourself and don't think about releases and whatnot, everything else can wait.

  4. Take as much time as you need. I actually just recently caught up, hadn't read Part 6 at all, and it made me appreciate just how much work you all put into translating this series, chapter after chapter after chapter. We all want you to be well, so take as much time as you need. Sorry for your loss.

  5. Take as much time as you need we can wait.

  6. My mother just passed a fortnight ago very suddenly while on holiday. I know how a bit how you feel. Come back when you feel ready. We can wait.

  7. Well you don't have to hurry, Kairi will be on hiatus until December. There's a ton of time to catch up for 2-3 chapters, I don't know how much is out there.

  8. Kaiji doesn't matter. Just get better.

  9. No apology necessary, but thanks for the update. Good luck with everything you're dealing with.

  10. Hope everything is okay! Thank you for your work

  11. You guys are a neverending treasure. Please take however long you need to recover from this sudden horrible event...

  12. hope you get well soon. take your time
